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Ni sa bula , Kia ora! 

Ko Chris Leqeta toku ingoa,

Kia ora! I'm Chris

Te Waharoa Kaitautoko

Proudly hailing from Waitaha (North Canterbury) and celebrating my diverse heritage as a proud blend of Fijian from Lomonikoro Rewa and NZ Pakeha high country farming heritage. 

In my journey, I've worn many hats and embraced varied experiences, cultivating a rich tapestry of skills and insights.

Over the last few years, I've been honoured to serve at Purapura Whetu Trust, focusing on Kaupapa Māori Mental Health & Wellbeing Services. Initially with the Mana Ake Team for children's well-being, I later supported Rangatahi aged 17-21 in the Transitions space, guiding their journey from statutory care to adulthood.

Presently, I'm part of the Te Waharoa team at Purapura Whetu, Our mission is to collaboratively work with all whānau with a cultural lens for well-being. In my role, I facilitate and support whanau though adventure and art therapy programs, merging my love for Taiao and passion for crafts with the promotion of holistic well-being.

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Te Waharoa is provided by Purapura Whetu Trust.
All rights reserved 2022.

Office Hours

Mon-Fri: 8:30AM - 4:30PM

Purapura Whetu Trust

166 St Asaph Street

Christchurch 8011
0800 4 WHETU

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